Add / Edit / Delete a Development

Property listers may add, edit, and delete developments for their organizations.

Add a Development

  1. On the Manage Developments page, select the Add a Development link at the top of the page.

  2. Enter the information for the new development entering in each field as your work down the page. Note that any field with a red asterisk is a required field and you will not be allowed to save the Development page without completing those fields. 

  3. Once you have input all of the information select Save at the bottom of the page. 

Edit a Development

  1. On the Manage Developments page, a table is displayed indicating the developments associated with your organization.

  2. Choose Edit option on the right hand side for the development you wish to edit.

  3. The system will display the Edit Development page with information containing the current information about the development.

  4. Edit the information for the development and hit Save at the bottom of the page. 

Delete a Development

  1. On the Manage Developments page, a table is displayed indicating the developments associated with your organization.

  2. Select the Delete link for the development you want to delete.

Note: You can only delete a development that has no associated unit types.